Just join Livestrong.com!
Check out my profile-
Let me start by telling you the useful tools you get for free, when you use Livestrong.
See that picture on the right? That's called a "Loop" You can either browse loops or create your own. I've created all my own loops. This loop here is just about a 2 mile walk up & down the beach, where I live. I also have another loop that's only a mile around the beach. It's very easy to make, and very easy to track daily when you walk.
When I calculate my weight and how fast I walk, usually 2 mph- livestrong automatically calculates how many calories I burn from that information & the elevation of the land. It's pretty fantastic. Below is a little more information....
You can also join Groups, make Dares for yourself ( like "I Dare to Exercise daily" ) Check out recipes, Calculate your BMI, Use the Ovulation calculator, sympton checker, and a whole lot more. The set up is similar to Myspace. You have a profile where you can add friends & send comments and messages to one another, write in your blog, post your daily food journal etc.
It is really a very helpful website that I love. And I honestly think everyone in the whole wide world should join and use it for some reason or another ;) So if you sign up let me know, and add me as a friend!!!!
Enough about Livestrong- today was Memorial Day and I worked 9-3. It was a very slow day and there was only 3 of us there and the pharmacist. We got so bored at times that we decided to work out in our spare time! I did 2 minutes of squats, 2 minutes of Wall sits, a few planks, and I did the air bicycle. (The air bicycle is something I created where you sit on a chair, or a stool, and you pretend to ride the bike. Sounds easy but it is not. Your feet arent on actual pedals to keep you steady so you have a harder time.) Anywho, we did a bunch of exercises and I ate healthy all day long. Now I am home and cruising around online... so toodles.
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