Just join Livestrong.com!
Check out my profile-
Let me start by telling you the useful tools you get for free, when you use Livestrong.
See that picture on the right? That's called a "Loop" You can either browse loops or create your own. I've created all my own loops. This loop here is just about a 2 mile walk up & down the beach, where I live. I also have another loop that's only a mile around the beach. It's very easy to make, and very easy to track daily when you walk.
When I calculate my weight and how fast I walk, usually 2 mph- livestrong automatically calculates how many calories I burn from that information & the elevation of the land. It's pretty fantastic. Below is a little more information....
Livestrong also makes it VERY easy to count calories. You have something called "My Plate" You can first set your calorie goal then everytime you want to track your intake for the date, just go to "my plate" type in something that you ate, for instance "Burger King french fry" or "Cheerios", you may get a prompt to choose something more specific, once you do- you choose how many servings you had & when you ate that, at breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack etc. You can track EVERYTHING. You will get a chart that calculates how many calories, sodium, sugar & so on you have taken in for the day. It is basically an online food journal.
You can also join Groups, make Dares for yourself ( like "I Dare to Exercise daily" ) Check out recipes, Calculate your BMI, Use the Ovulation calculator, sympton checker, and a whole lot more. The set up is similar to Myspace. You have a profile where you can add friends & send comments and messages to one another, write in your blog, post your daily food journal etc.
It is really a very helpful website that I love. And I honestly think everyone in the whole wide world should join and use it for some reason or another ;) So if you sign up let me know, and add me as a friend!!!!
Enough about Livestrong- today was Memorial Day and I worked 9-3. It was a very slow day and there was only 3 of us there and the pharmacist. We got so bored at times that we decided to work out in our spare time! I did 2 minutes of squats, 2 minutes of Wall sits, a few planks, and I did the air bicycle. (The air bicycle is something I created where you sit on a chair, or a stool, and you pretend to ride the bike. Sounds easy but it is not. Your feet arent on actual pedals to keep you steady so you have a harder time.) Anywho, we did a bunch of exercises and I ate healthy all day long. Now I am home and cruising around online... so toodles.
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