Saturday, May 29, 2010

I Found My Wedding Dress!

So yesterday as of 93 days till my wedding; my entourage and myself had an appointment at David's Bridal. Accompanying me was- my mother, my aunt, my maid of honor, my 3 bridesmaids, and my gay bff (and also ) bridesmaid James. We weren't even there an hour before we all chose what we wanted. Below is a collage of all our dresses, the flowers I have already chose for bouquets, and the gazebo at which the ceremony will be held. The color scheme looks beautiful and is coming along perfectly <3 The girl's were Divas but did a great job working together to pick their dresses. And although there wasn't a large selection of bridal gowns (in size 22) for me to choose from, the first one I put on was "the one." I just wish I had a larger selection. But then I remember that... one, Im not paying for my dress and I got a great deal, and two, once I lose 100 lbs I will be a whole new woman and on our 10th year anniversary (coming up in 2012)  or our 10th wedding anniversary (which will be in 2020) we can renew our vows and I will be slim and fit in a another beautiful dress, haha!

So right after DB's we decided to go for lunch. We ate at TGIF's and it was delicious! And needless to say, I had an amazing time with my friends and family yesterday. It was a well needed trip together, I had missed spending quality time with them all. And now I cant wait to take another trip together for shoe shopping and accessorizing! That will be within the next 2-3 weeks.

On another wonderful note- Alison (my pharmacist & motivator for eating right and exercising) forgot to bring her scale to work for "Weigh in Thursday" so luckily she brought it today. Technically, this is my 4th week... I weighed in 2 1/2 lbs lighter than last week. Which makes a total of 8 lbs that I have lost since May 6th. I am extremely shocked. Although I have completey changed my eating habits, and have been exercising minimally- I didnt expect to see weightloss. It's just been something I never thought I could do.... so I am very happy, very motivated, and looking forward to how much I can lose in the next year!!!!

With that said, me and my hunny havent spent much time together all week, so I am off to watch DEAR JOHN with him. Toodles.....

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