Monday, October 19, 2009

To Jog or Not To Jog? That Is The Question!

Day 3:
Good morning. It is now 7:52 a.m. I am awake every morning at 6:30 cause I have to bring PJ (my fiance) to work by 7. Then I come home until I have to work. I usually do the 8-4 or 9-5 shifts, but once in awhile I get the 12-9's which is what I have today.

Since yesterday I have had it in my head that I wanna start jogging. I admire those people who jog and run. I kind of felt like I could do it.... mentally.... but maybe not physically. I weighed myself at work yesterday & I am officialy 271 ( how embaressing ) So I knew jogging would be kind of difficult. Not to mention I have Cystic Fibrosis, and although I've had more digestive problems than respiratory- I still do have chronic asthma. I figured I'd give it a shot anyhow.

So I dropped PJ off at work, came home- threw on some cute sweats, a long sleeved shirt, and a hoody, got on my Skecher sneakers and went outside. I wanted to start at the corner of my street and head all the way up the back of the beach strip- and then down the front strip, and turn when I get back toward my street. If you know Hampton Beach at all that would be "N" Street toward the bridge, back up the one way toward "N" Street again. Those of you that don't know the beach. You come over the Hampton Bridge and it is one long, one way street. You drive up the front strip that goes all the way from street "A" to "Z" along the ocean, and then then it loops around coming down the bach strip at which will end again at the bridge or go right back up the front again. It is kind of like a huge (cirle or) track.

Needless to say I ended up jogging 3/4 up "N" Street- went up the front strip, down "M" street and back home. It was a 15 minute session. I jogged as much as I could. Jogging, walking, jogging, walking. Felt like I could keel over. My ankles didnt feel supported in my sneakers and I was gasping for air LOL But I am proud of myself. Dont know how much longer I will do that for cause it is awfully cold outside (and even colder here are the beach) but everyday or every OTHER day I am going to try to walk/jog a little.

Now- I need to clean up my house. I'm working at 12 today so I knew I would be lazy this morning and just enjoy being home alone. So I made my lunch lastnight. A big delicious, antipasto salad. Check out my LIVE STRONG account to see the ingredients and calories ;) Talk to ya later....muahz.


  1. First of all. If you are going to run buy running shoes! I cant emphisise this enough...they can be expensive but really its worth idiot boy friend who is in amazing shape (he is active duty army so he kinda has to be they dont give him a choice) ran 14 miles(split up over 2 days) in non running shoes, and ended up with a stress fractor in one foot...and I just kinda looked at him then informed him he is an idiot, he runs all the time, he should know better! Another thing I would sudgest is walking with weights on your ankles. You can buy some cheep ankle weights at target, and if you walk a mile every day with the weights it will help you get up to running. That way you dont hurt yourself or burn out by trying to much to fast.

  2. Thanks Tucker, very helpful information. I like the idea of the ankle weights :)


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