Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spray Tanning 101

I guess some things should be kept a secret

But with a 55% chance of developing melanoma or skin cancer- I should be a spokes person for SPRAY TAN!

I've considered going to Mystic Tan & other salons that charge $40/mnth but thanks to Lauren I've decided to just do it myself. And Im addicted.

I cant even tell you how many customers have asked me where I've been, if I've gone tanning, and how great I look! :D And I can't lie.

I bought this at Sally Beauty Supply for $10. Unlike other sprays that take a few hours to develop, this sprays "brown" and you instantly get the look you want. 

Besides a few minor mistakes on my hands & feet (too dark) its easy to apply & I did it all myself. I suggest wearing gloves to avoid smudging spots you dont want onto your hands. I think that because our palms are so pale, and have a softer texture than the rest of our body, they hold color faster and easier. So it is very easy to mess up! So that is the only important tip I have for you....The woman at Sally's told me that she has a dedicated customer who has her husband "spray her" and then takes a small paint roller to apply even through out her body! I didn't have a roller, so on the spots the I felt needed to be blended (wasn't much) I just took a paper towel and dabbled it. I sprayed & dabbled until I got the perfect look I wanted. I did this right in my bathroom, half way in the shower (after making the mistake of getting it all over the kitchen floor and stepping in it ha ha).

The pictures do no justice. Most spray tans give you an orange look. This is almost completely brown. It's an aerosol and from experience, it works best about 6 inches away from the body, with a constant spray / mist just slightly hitting your body.Make sure you are showered, clean, and exfoliated first for best results. I'm a larger girl so I used almost an entire can for my whole body, but now that I am dark, one more can will last about a month or two- just touching up a few times a week. Don't be alarmed when you shower and see a bit of color running down your drain- that is normal. And although the tan fades, you still look a-m-a-z-i-n-g!

Just wanted to share my experience with you & give a great review on Tanwise!

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