Monday, February 27, 2012

Top 10 Weightloss Foods

{Low Carb - High Protein} Of course, I can't tell you what YOU should eat because I don't know your likes and dislikes, not to mention whether you have any intolerances, allergies or foods you don't eat for ethical reasons, etc... but research has shown that there are some definite advantages to a low to moderate carb and higher protein diet for fat loss purposes. These include reduced appetite, higher thermic effect of food and “automatic” calorie control. Keep the green and fibrous veggie intake higher however, along with large amounts of lean protein, small amounts of fruit, and adequate amounts of essential fat.

It’s not so much about the high carb - low carb argument or any other debate as much as it is about calorie control and compliance. The trouble is, restricted diets and staying in a calorie deficit is difficult, so most people can’t stick with any program and they fall off the wagon, whichever wagon that may be. Low carb vs. high carb is getting really old… so like… get over it everyone, its a calorie deficit that makes you lose weight, not the amount of carbs. 

“Bad habits are easy to form and hard to live with and good habits are hard to form but easy to live with.”  -Jim Rohn, motivational speaker

10 top natural starchy carb and whole grains
1. Oatmeal (old fashioned)
2. Yams
3. Brown rice (a favorite is basmati)
4. Sweet potatoes (almost same as yams)
5. Multi grain hot cereal (mix or barley, oats)
6. White potatoes
7. 100% whole grain bread or sprouted bread
8. 100% whole wheat / whole grain pasta
9. Beans (great for healthy chili recipes)
10. Lentils

Top 10 top vegetables
1. Broccoli
2. Asparagus
3. Spinach
4. Salad greens
5. Tomatoes
6. Peppers (green, red or yellow)
7. Onions
8. Mushrooms
9. Cucumbers
10. Zucchini 

Top 10 lean proteins
1. Egg whites (whole eggs in limited quantities)
2. Whey or Casein protein (protein powder supplements)
3. Chicken Breast
4. Salmon (wild Alaskan)
5. Turkey Breast
6. Top round steak (grass fed beef)
7. Flank Steak (grass fed beef)
8. Lean Ground Turkey
9. Bison/Buffalo (lean game meats)
10. Trout

Top 10 fruits
1. Grapefruit
2. Apples
3. Blueberries
4. Cantaloupe
5. Oranges
6. Bananas
7. Peaches
8. Grapes
9. Strawberries
10. Pineapple 

Note: I DO include healthy fats as well, such as walnuts, almonds, extra virgin olive oil, flaxseeds, flaxseed oil (supplement - not to cook with), avocado and a few others.  

If you'd like to learn more about fat burning nutrition and what to eat for maximum fat loss, then be sure to take a look at the Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle nutrition program. Thousands of men and women call this their "fat loss bible." For all the details, visit: There you can check out Fat Loss Coach Tom Venuto and see how he deals with burning fat!

So after reading this article, it seems I have been kind of on the right track. The first things I buy at the grocery store to use almost every day are: red & green peppers, apples, eggs, lettuce, and spinach. For breakfast I usually start out with a cup of oatmeal, vanilla yogurt, or eggs ( I rotate from scrambled to hard boiled)  For snacks I usually have an apple with peanut butter or nutella, or some fruit. For lunch I eat a salad topped with 2 pieces of turkey & little chunks of cheese, as well as red & green peppers, cucumbers, and sometimes pickles. And for dinner it's always fresh veggies (asparagus, broccoli, zuchini, squash) with chicken. Unless I am extremely worn out, tired, and lazy - Ill make a grill spinach & cheese sandwich (2 pieces of wheat toast, fresh spinach stuck between 2 slices of american cheese, pam spray or very light butter) with some crackers & salsa on the side. I love to cook so I love to experiment! 

What is YOUR to go to diet food? We all have a favorite "help us lose weight & keep us on track" food or meal. Share it with us :) PS - today is a weigh-in day for me, wish me luck!


  1. Mmmmmmmmmmm...eggs. I love 'em. I remember watching "I Used to be Fat" and one of the trainers mentioned how eating egg whites gets you THE PUREST form of protein out there: the best there is. I eat A LOT of egg whites now. A LOT.

    As for a go-to diet food? has to be the Green Monster. I always feel full and fabulous after I drink one.

    GOOD LUCK on weigh-in day!

  2. What is GREEN MONSTER? Never heard of it before. I never used to like green tea before, but have recently started chugging it down and I love the taste now. Of course raspberry green tea is better....

  3. OOh I found this:


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