Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy {Valentine's} Day

In the event of Valentine's day, I just wanted to share some special wedding photos with you. PJ and I met way back in 2002 when a close family friend who I call my "aunt" was dating his father. For years, they tried to get me to go on a date with him, so finally after him bugging me so much I said yes. I skipped out on our first date though, which would have been to see the first Spiderman movie. Our official date was to Hampton beach during the day and later that night we headed off to a restaurant called Mr. Mike's in Plaistow, NH (where I ate a plate of chicken marsala and he had broccoli & ziti.) We were together non stop, every day, after that. I snuck him into my mother's house almost every night, he would hide in the closet, and do whatever he had to, to be with me. Finally she found out he was always there and made him officially move in and start paying rent! 

Now, here we are almost ten years later! We celebrate our tenth anniversary this August. And although we got engaged in 2004 we didn't get married until 2010. Relationships arent perfect and they take a lot of work. We have gone through a lot of ups and downs, and there has been some moments where Im not sure I can handle this any more. But through everything we have both stuck it out. We don't just up and leave and walk out the door. We calm down and let time pass and heal our wounds before making irrational decisions. And even though I acquire a lot more love, affection, and attention than he does - he has been working really hard to give me those things that I need to continue on. Sometimes love isnt *always* enough, you have to feel like you are "still in love" and that special attention is what helps! To make a relationship last, you both have to try <3 thats my advice. 





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