Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I was on vacation for 10 days and when I went back to work on Monday I weighed in 4 lbs extra. Bummed out. But not quite a surprise. That's what happens when you eat burgers & dogs on the grill for 10 days and dont eat salad or any fresh fruit and vegetables. I also didnt consume any water that whole time (since I only drink water at work - I hate it) and I did drink alot of wine coolers and soda. I'm hoping to lose that 4 lbs by Friday, but very doubtful considering I havent worked out and although Ive started eating a little better again, I need to continue to count calories. Which I havent done in about 2 weeks. Im just slacking. Thats it really. A part of me thinks its cuz I have been so stressed out and depressed lately. That maybe Im emotionally eating or acting out? I dont know what it is. Just laziness possibly? Takes more effort to cut up veggies and fruits and eat them for snacks rather than just pour out some chips on a plate. I dont know what my problem is. But I loved the way it felt when I was losing 3 lbs a week and when my stomach wasnt bothering me because I over ate. I need some new motivation. I need to figure something out. Happy Hump Day everyone!


  1. Modern day life makes it easy to pile on the pounds. If we are not proactive, we'll just fall into the rut. It does take work, but you can do it.

    Once your mind is focused on a target, you'll find it easier. Set yourself a goal and go for it :)

  2. Keep up the work it's hard but the reward is so wonderful!! Weight loss is a journey. YOU will succeed! The most important thing you can do is work out on the days that it feels like you just can't do it. YOU will become stronger for this!

    It took me 2 years to lose 100 pounds but I am so glad I was patient. I have my diabetes in control now through eating right and exercising. No one want's to gain a health problem from eating bad and not working out but I did. It's been my motivation ever since to get and keep the weight off and now help others do the same.

    Best wishes!!

    Jill Knapp


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