Friday, October 16, 2009

The Start of Weightloss

Can I Do This? Yes I Can!

So for years I've always thought about maybe losing weight. But being motivated for a day isnt enough. I think I am finally in the state of mind that I want to do this.... that I can do this. It's just gonna be rough.

I think if I use this blog to track my day to day success or struggle, plus tell everyone around me that I am doing it, I won't want to dissapoint anyone else (nor myself) & Usually when I want something I obsess over it until I get it. So I should do the same with this weightloss. I really need to obsess over it so I can succeed.........

I don't know my exact weight TODAY because I don't have a scale at home. I probably should buy one? I can use the one at work but it may not be accurate. I know I am between 260-270 and my goal is to get to 200. If I ever get below 200 ofcourse that will be marvelous, but 200 is the goal now. And yes, I know people say to set an easy goal for yourself and something realisitic. I think this is realistic. And wether it is going to be easy or not I don't care. But that's my goal and I am sticking to it.

I still have alot of reading to do to see what is the best way to lose weight (beside the obvious- diet & exercise) But Today is GROCERY day (my favorite day of the week) and I went through & checked out some Low-Calorie and Biggest Loser Recipes for some ideas of what to buy, and what to have for dinner this week. I know for myself I have to cut out soda completely and stick to water instead. That is my biggest problem. I just love drinking from a cold can, and I love having soda at work!! So I plan on buying NO SODA and MORE WATER and actually drinking it. I do keep a large water bottle at work & fill it with Poland Springs when I am desperate--- I just need to be desperate more often haha. Besides soda, my other biggest goal is to eat less. I like to eat. More times than other I will have 2nds. I need to learn to control my portions better. And I definately need to stop eating fast food. There are SO many restaurants close by that on a busy day it's just easier to hit up McDonalds than come home and cook. We really need to cut that out :( 

So Here's my quick Plan:
  • Eat a light breakfast - cereal bar or yogurt
  • Replace drinking soda with drinking water
  • Have salad for Lunch ( ham & cheese, chicken, BLT etc )
  • No more Chips & Dip - focus more on Crackers or Tortillas ( Healthier Snacks )
  • Eat a Low calorie dinner & eat smaller portions
I realize everyone who loses weight has to exercise. My gym membership runs out in a month & to be honest, it's a town away and I just never make it over there. By the time I get out of work I am too exhausted to go exercise & I already wake up at 6am every day to bring PJ to work- I don't have time in the morning to hit the gym. I plan on changing my food intake first and then I will focus on getting another gym membership and incorporating exercise into my weightloss. It is mandatory! I just need to start off slow.

With that said I am going to work on changing my layout here and adding alot of useful weightloss links. Tonight I will be shopping for the first time & tomorrow will be DAY 1 of my weightloss journey, wish me luck.


  1. I'm so happy for you Felicity! I want to lose weight too but I have problems getting motivated. Maybe I can do this with you! :)

  2. Yes you can! The hardest thing is to stay FOCUSED(for me). I know you CAN DO IT Feli! :)


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