Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Boardwalk

Day 5:
I haven't been able to get to the gym. Not sure if my membership has expired yet anyways. Planet Fitness  is about 20 minutes from my house in the next state & city over (and my cars a piece of shit so) it's quite the inconvenience to me while working every day also. But I am checking into a gym right up the road from my work next week to see if I like it & if the price is within my budget (which nothing is these days.) So without going to the gym I have been trying to walk every day. As soon as I got home from work I threw on some sweats, my sneakers, and a  sweatshirt and took Baby with me. Baby is one of my babies. She is part chihuahua, part rat terrier and weighs about 20-25 lbs which is overweight for her too. I can't take both my dogs at once because one walks slow, the other fast, one wants to be carried, the other doesnt wanna stop. Theyre a riot. My other baby is Jazzy, she's full-blooded rat terrer. Not bad for her size at about 20 lbs.

Anyways- so me and Baby walked my LOOP, which I made at to see it click HERE!! It's just an exercising path! It's 1.39 miles- down the back strip, up the front, then back down the back till I get home. It took me about a half hour.

Besides walking- I heard that drinking green tea every day is good for you. James, my bff at work offered to buy me a drink today ( I work in the pharmacy at CVS ) there are lots of things to choose from. Usually I get orange soda, code red mountain dew, or grape juice. I decided to go with FUZE's Green Tea & Honey. It's about $2.00 and only has about 40-60 calories. But it is high in protein, vitamins, and all the nutrients you need for the day. It didnt taste as good as an orange soda but I could get used to it........

Also, this morning my friend brought to my attention that they are doing a 10k walk for C.F this Sunday. Sadly, I am scheduled to work 10-6 and couldn't find anyone to cover my shift.... maybe next time? Here are the details if anyone else ( in the area ) is interested!

The Division of Health Professions and the Respiratory Care Club will sponsor the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's "Great Strides" walk-a-thon on Sunday, October 25 at the Haverhill campus. This is the Respiratory Care Club's kick-off event for National Respiratory Care Week.Come join us for an afternoon of fun, fresh air, and fellowship on this 10k walk through the grounds while we raise funds for research and treatment of cystic fibrosis. The registration table opens at 12:00 pm; the walk will take place between 1:00 and 4:00 pm.For more information about the Great Strides walk and cystic fibrosis, log on to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's website at obtain a Participant Form contact Rob Parker (Haverhill campus) or Jackie Long-Goding (Lawrence campus). You can also stop by the Division of Health Professions office on the second floor of the Dimitry Building in Lawrence to pick up a Participant Form.

1 comment:

  1. YAY for staying active, and turning down soda! Generally my rule is stick to water, but if you dont want water get tea. Or anything unsweetened. Sugar, or other unatural sweeteners are diet killers. Walking a mile+ is great, its an awesome start and it sounds like you are really off to a good one.


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