Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Theme Park Fun!

So this past Sunday I was given the chance to go to Canobie Lake Park with a friend & her family. Her nephew (whose father is actually a race car driver ) won 5 free tickets to the theme park and I got to use one of them. I love this place so I was psyched.  There were 4 of us adults (who acted like children all day) and 6 kids who have no fear!

We got there around 4 pm and had 6 hours to spare. After a few rollarcoasters and thrill rides I realized how fearless I was a child and teenager. I used to be in love with dangerous, high up in the sky rides, moving 100mph. Instead, I was holding on for dear life, with my eyes closed, praying to God that my seat didn't fly off the hinges and send me plummiting through the air hitting the ground. I was terrified. Yet I went from one ride to another! And every ride was the same, I prayed for my life!

Here are a few pictures I took earlier in the day before stashing away my phone from the water rides....

This is me at home, in my bathroom, getting ready for the day.
The last few days here in Massachusetts have been literally 100 degrees.
It's been hot and humid but luckily it was only in the 80s.
I went for the layered tanktop look and a pair of capris with some pink flip flops.
And ofcourse I painted my nails and thew in a hand-made headband :)

This is my best friend Lauren's 5 year old daughter Keyanah
and her 3 year old neice Miyah on the kiddie swings.

 A few pictures of some kiddie rides that I took.

I loved the kiddie Canoies, I thought they were adorable!
And a great place to cool the kids down under the trees and in the shade.

Canobie Lake park is beside a larger lake in New Hampshire.
Besides the hundreds of rides they have, they also offer a boat ride-
and a small train ride that takes you around the theme park aside the waterfront.

Here's the theme park's map - I thought it was cool and wanted to show you.

Needless to say I had a blast. I was very greatful that I got to go. I only brought $20 with me in cash, so I did get a few things I probably shouldn't have. I had a dish of Banana Split Dip-N-Dots, a pretzel, some watermelon slush, and right before I left I spent my last $5 on a box of hand-cut french fries. And they were delicious! But such a guilty pleasure and made me feel kind of crappy afterwards. Luckily I am two days in from that fun filled day and sticking to my healthy food plan! Let's see how I do.....


  1. You look adorable. I LOVE your nails. and your tank top. I wish I were confident enough to wear sleeveless shirts, but I'm really self-conscious about my arms.

  2. Stopping by from the hops to say hello.
    Have a great day!

  3. Looking jazzy! You're pretty crafty! Love the headband and you really did a great job on your nails. Where did you find your tank tops!?


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