Friday, October 30, 2009

Doggies Dressed for Halloween!

Happy Halloweenie!
I love when people dress their dogs up for Halloween. I think it's the cutest thing ever. I don't know if that is just because I dont have any children, so my dogs are literally like my children. Or if I just love animals in general and like to treat them as kiddos haha. Either way, I found the cutest Doggy Halloween pictures & wanted to share them with you! The only reason I didn't dress up my dogs this year is because I am completely broke.

These pictures kind of bring me back to when we first got Jazmine. We had her pictures taken at Petco. It was so expensive; it was like $65 for an 8x10 and a few wallet sized photos. But they came out adorable. And she was so little at the time. So well behaved. So innocent haha. So I thought Id share those pictures with you too!

We actually got Jazzy from some crack heads. My friend told me that her boyfriend knew of some people who had this little doggy that they passed around to a few different people, because they didnt want her. We ended up going to this crack shack & she was tied up out back. She was about 4lbs & about 6 months old, and was on this huge chain that was weighing her neck down. We felt so bad. They said they left her outside most of the time because of their cat being in the house and not wanting the dog to attack it. We didnt have any money at the time so we ended up just giving up my laptop for the dog. We took her home and she was nuts for the first couple days but we fell in love with her. We changed her name from Valentine to Jazmine because she looked when we called her Jazzy. She loved it. She is about 18 lbs now and is such a good girl. She is SO smart. She can spell. She is so hyper and energetic. She can jump 10 feet into the air and runs super fast. But she is scared if the wind blows and she hates fireworks and thunder. But shes my little baby girl. She is a Rat Terrier. And we have had her for over 3 years now.

Baby, on the other hand. We found her on Craigslist for free! We had to drive a couple hours to get her but she was well worth it. She is a Chihuahua/Rat Terrier mix. She is about 20 lbs now and we have had her since last year. She is a cuddle bug. She always wants to be under a blanket or cuddled up next to you. She is extremely lazy and sleeps alot. But has the most precious puppy dog eyes! She is the same age as Jazzy, about 3 years old <3

PS- today is Day 14 of my weightloss. I will be weighing in on Monday to keep up with my Live Strong group. Ill update you then ;)

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