Monday, April 30, 2012

Friend Making Mondays!

FMM: Cooking Habits

For more details go to All The Weigh  

1. What is your favorite meal to prepare at home?
Anything with veggies. And by veggies I mean my favorites- fresh brussel sprouts, sugar snap peas, green beans and some roasted baby red potatoes. 

2. Do you like to experiment in the kitchen, or do you prefer to stick to the basics? 
I love love love to experiment. I am always throwing something together that I saw on tv, at a restaurant, magazine, or a blog.

3. What is your favorite cookbook?
I love COOKING LIGHT magazine and that is where I find most of my ideas!

4. Do you have any tricks to share that help you reach your fruits and veggies goal for the day?
Just incorporating them into each meal - usually for breakfast I have fruit, lunch I have veggies, and for dinner I make sure to eat some protein and dairy. 

5. What’s the most interesting thing you made last week?
I've actually been on a 2 week hiatus because I am in the middle of a job transitions, so I have experimented with a few different things. I made a pot roast in the crock pot instead of in a bag. It was delicious but took quite awhile to cook.

I also made a pan of dessers which included the first layer brownies and the second layer was chocolate chip cookies!

6. How often do you watch cooking shows on TV?
Only when Im bored and can't find anything else on t.v.....

7. When you’re hungry, where are you most likely to look first?
The fridge.

8. List a few healthy staples that can always be found in your kitchen.
I always have onions, red, green, and yellow peppers- because I use them with everything. I normally always have fresh vegetables too!

9. Are you motivated to cook at home even when you’re eating alone?
Not unless I am posting a meal or recipe on my blog.

10.  How often do you try new recipes?
At least 2-3 times a month! 

If you're reading this post if probably because you found me over at All The Weigh's "friend making mondays" post! Well, thanks for stopping by and just say hello and I'll come visit you. And if you have time check out my other post from today, as I'm giving away free customized facebook cover designs!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I LOVE brussels sprouts! I ate them for the first time a few months ago and now they are easily my favorite veggies, sauteed with a few slices of chopped up bacon!

  2. Yes! Delicious. A lot of people claim to hate them, but I love them, theyre like little baby cabbages lol


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