Tuesday, April 3, 2012

D-I-Y Tastey Treats!

Craving something delicious and fun to make? Recently I've been planning a baby shower for one of my best friends. She is pregnant with her FIFTH child, but first boy. So my mom and I have been spending the last month preparing for the big day, which is this coming Saturday.

I can't give away any clues yet because she might see this, but I will just say that everything was D-I-Y! There is nothing I like more than being creative and putting a personal, unique touch on everything I come in contact with. I knew I wanted her shower to be sleek and elegant so I used "Tiffany" colors- teal,white, and brown and went from there.... pictures to come next week.

In the midst of all that I have been to Michael's craft store about 100x and have gotten a billion other ideas of what to do for other gifts and just some fun at home. Everyone loves food and snacks and it just so happens that today I came across some great ideas from other fellow bloggers that I just wanted to share, so enjoy!

 Over at Fashion Meets Food

"Spring brings on colorful accents and cheerful moods. I knew that my friendship gift for April needed to counterpart what spring has to offer. In my mind there was no better choice than my party popcorn. A sweet and salty combination, with a pop of confetti color."

Caramel Apple Parfait

"My newly invented Caramel Apple Parfait is just one more treat that is made better with COOL WHIP.  You can keep these items on hand and make it up in a flash for the kids!"

{ Some Easter Ideas }

Graham Cracker Peep House
Over at Kasey Buick

"On occasion…i will sit down with my children and do something that requires me to actually be a hands-on…fun…totally cool…mother."

Easter Egg Cake Balls 
over at Success Along the Weigh 

"Do NOT even attempt to do these on Easter Sunday or you will be in the worst mood ever...good thing for them they taste so damn good!"

 { Pinterest Finds }
Smores on a Stick
over at Blogs. Babble. com

"Not only did I not have to turn the oven on, I made a few dozen in under five minutes. These will no doubt be on the menu at a certain sixth birthday party later this summer. What kid (or grown-up) doesn’t adore food on a stick"

Chocolate Party Spoons
over at Delicious Delicious Delicious

"Then you simply go mad with whatever small sweets, silver balls and sprinkles you have. Jelly beans are a must - we all agreed they go nicely with the chocolate, however odd that may sound. If your sweets are chocolate themselves though, wait ten minutes before putting them onto the molten chocolate, just in case they also start melting."


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for joining Flock Together last week at Mom’s Best Nest . I can't seem to join via GFC today, but I'll try later!


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